


PENDER ELECTRONIC DESIGN GmbH is specialised in digital hardware design and board development, VHDL coding and FPGA development hardware.

In cooperation with COBHAM GAISLER in Gothenburg Sweden, our emphasis is on the continuing development, promotion and support for LEON microprocessor designs.

Our products include FPGA Development boards designed for FPGA and LEON microprocessor development. covering various vendors (Xilinx Spartan6 & Virtex-4, Actel Axcelerator and Atmel LEON2-FT), with both Compact PCI and 'Classic' PCI form factors.

For product information and technical documentation, navigate to the PRODUCTS pages.

For an overview of the type of project and products we have done, check out the GALLERY page.

Get a head start with your LEON project today.....

Designed for Leon

In addition to being suitable as general purpose Xilinx FPGA development boards for complex logic designs, our boards have been especially developed to support the implementation of Leon microprocessor designs.

The LEON processor is a synthesisable VHDL model of a 32-bit processor with an instruction set compatible with the SPARC V8 instruction set. To enable development of system-on-a-chip (SOC) devices using the LEON core, the full VHDL source code is freely available under the GNU LGPL license.