The Parochial Board is doomed at last,
Its lofty towers are a’ doon cast,
And in our midst there now doth live
A Board that shall more freedom give.
It was in the year o’ ninety-five
This new board began to thrive,
And began to look a’ roon’
At the sad affairs o’ oor toon.
Aft ha’e they sat wi’ ane anither,
Plans and schemes to consider
Which would be the better plan
To assist oor fellow-man,
Who’s pulling hard against the stream
His sad condition to redeem.
May these big-hearted buddies noo,
Wha ha’e their haun’ upon the ploo,
Aye try tae dae their very best
To help their brither in distress,
And may they never cease from toiling
Until wi’ joy each face is smiling.
I now do hope to see the day
When there shall be swept away
Every law that’s vile and base,
And something better put in place.
I also hope you’re prood to see
The Board that shall mair freedom gi’e,
An’ I do hope you’ll min’ the year
The Parochial Board did disappear.